Phase 3 – Coursework & Moderation
Find all our administrative forms and guidance documents on this page.
This phase of the cycle is all about components that are assessed in the school, either by the school’s teachers or other local teachers, and are then moderated by us.
You are likely to be involved when it comes to submitting internally assessed marks and samples of work to us for external moderation. Examples of such components include: projects, field work, art work, speaking tests and assessed practical work.
On this page you can find information about:
- Instructions for candidates
- Submitting internally assessed marks
- Moderating your internal marks
- Submitting coursework and speaking tests
- Packing and despatching candidates’ work
- Returning samples
- Submitting Global Perspectives work online
- Preventing and identifying plagiarism
Instructions for candidates
To help maintain the security of our exams, make sure you share this information with your candidates. It contains information on coursework.
Information for candidates (PDF, 126KB)
Submitting internally assessed marks
You need to send us internally assessed marks for all candidates entered for coursework and speaking test components.
Submit your marks using one of the following methods:
- Cambridge International Direct
- A2C (only available to UK centres)
To help you, read out factsheet about how to submit your marks on Direct:
Submitting internally assessed marks through Cambridge International Direct (PDF, 527KB)
VIDEO: The video shows you how to submit internally assessed marks.前往优酷观看View on YouKu
Moderating your internal marks
If more than one teacher is involved in the marking of coursework for a component, you must internally moderate the marking across teachers and teaching groups. Each centre must select one teacher per component to act as an internal moderator.
For more information visit our Internal moderation web page or view the Cambridge Handbook.
Submitting coursework and speaking tests
You need to submit samples of your candidates’ coursework and speaking tests so that we can moderate your marks. Moderation ensures that candidates across all our centres have been assessed against the same standards.
For examined coursework, instead of submitting samples you submit the work of all your candidates to us.
For specific syllabuses and components, centres need to submit samples digitally. If you are submitting samples on CD, DVD or USB stick, read our guidance (PDF, 52KB) on how to do this.
If you cannot use the same examiner for all of your internally assessed speaking tests, read our guidance (PDF, 227KB).
Samples database
The samples database explains everything you need to know about administering coursework, speaking test and examined coursework components.
Use the database to find out:
- When and how to submit your marks for moderated coursework and non-coursework tests
- When and how to submit your candidates’ work
- Which forms to complete and return with your candidates’ work.
For moderated coursework and non-coursework tests you need to submit the marks and a sample of your candidates’ work to us for external moderation. For examined coursework, you need to submit the work of all of your candidates to us.
There is more information about coursework and non-coursework tests in section 3 of the Cambridge Handbook.
If you work in a UK centre, for some coursework components, we choose the candidates whose work you need to include in your sample. We add the list of candidates to the ‘My Messages’ section of Cambridge International Direct approximately two working days after we have received your internally assessed marks.
Use the Cambridge samples database
Packing and despatching candidates’ work
Once you have checked the samples database, you need to pack your candidates’ work correctly and send it to us so that it arrives before the deadline. Part 3 of the Cambridge Handbook contains more information about packing and despatching samples.
We moderate/examine a range of components, for example, speaking tests and coursework, where the evidence you need to submit may include digital files, such as music recordings, speaking tests, video and photographs. If you need to submit digital files you must make sure they can be accessed and viewed or heard by our moderators/examiners.
You can download coursework identification and coursework return labels:
For Art & Design syllabuses:
VIDEO: Our video explains how to pack and despatch Art & Design work前往优酷观看View on YouKu
Packing and despatching Art & Design work transcript (PDF, 137KB)
For other syllabuses:
Coursework address labels – Coursework & moderation – Label 2 (PDF, 77KB)
Coursework identification labels – Coursework & moderation – Label 3 (PDF, 65KB)
If you are returning Cambridge ICT Starters samples please complete the Coursework & moderation – Form 7 (PDF, 737KB)
For extra guidance submitting coursework and speaking tests, watch our video and download our poster (PDF, 351KB).
VIDEO: This video shows you how select, pack and submit Cambridge coursework samples.前往优酷观看View on YouKu
Returning samples
You need to tell us if you would like us to return your moderated and/or examined work.
To ask us to send work back, complete the relevant form:
Coursework and moderation – Form 5 for Art and Design work (PDF, 636KB)
Coursework and moderation – Form 6 for all other moderated coursework (PDF, 693KB)
If you do not want us to return the work you have sent us, you do not need to do anything. Apart from all Cambridge Art & Design qualifications, we do not charge for the return of work.
We may keep some items of coursework for research, exhibition, archive or educational purposes.
Cambridge Global Perspectives guides
For guidance on preparing and submitting Cambridge Global Perspectives work see the Cambridge Exams Officers’ Guide.
Preventing and identifying plagiarism
Work submitted for examination or moderation must be the candidates’ own. Candidates must not submit someone else’s work as their own or use material produced by someone else without citing and referencing it properly. View the preventing and identifying plagiarism page for more information.