We work very closely with Cambridge schools and build strong relationships with them. As an exams officer, you play a vital part in that relationship. Without you, it would be impossible to run and administer our exams successfully, and so we work hard to make it easy for you to work with us.
Cambridge Exams Officers’ GuideVisit our step-by-step guide to delivering exams, and access key administrative documents and support materials for exams officers.Read more
Exam timetablesAccess the exam timetable for your administrative zone to find out the date, session, the duration of each written exam and dates for practical and oral assessments.Read more
Cambridge International DirectCambridge International Direct is a secure website for Cambridge exams officers to submit entries, view results and carry out other administrative tasks.Log in
Samples databaseFind out when and how to submit marks and samples of work.Use the database
eNewsletterThis monthly newsletter includes reminders about key dates and activities, guidance on processes and updates on new services.Sign up
Support and trainingOur support includes guide to administering Cambridge exams, online training, video tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions.Read more
Results analysisExams officers can give teachers access to Results analysis. This data analysis tool helps teachers identify trends in students’ performance.Read more
Any questions?Whenever you have a question about our exam administration process you can visit our online bank of answers to frequently asked questions.Read more