Cambridge AICE Diploma

Cambridge AICE Diploma

Studetns in a classroom

The Cambridge AICE Diploma was first awarded in 1997 and has since become popular with a range of schools in different parts of the world. It encompasses the’‘gold standard’ Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications, and offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies to their individual interests, abilities and future plans within an international curriculum framework.

  1.  Cambridge Advanced - CurriculumCurriculumThe Cambridge AICE Diploma offers breadth across the curriculum and depth in selected subjects, with a balance of maths and sciences, languages, and arts and humanities.Read more
  2. Cambridge advanced - qualificationQualificationLearners must pass a combination of Cambridge International AS & A Level exams, with at least one course coming from each of three subject groups, as well as the core component, Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research.Read more
  3. Cambridge Advanced - Classroom SupportClassroom supportA wide range of training and support is available to help teachers plan and deliver the Cambridge AICE Diploma.Read more
  4. RecognitionRecognitionThe Cambridge International AS & A Levels that make up the Cambridge AICE Diploma are welcomed by leading universities around the world.Read more

One of the things we find with students who have studied Cambridge International AS and A Levels is that they have a real depth of understanding of the subject matter that they have had classes in, and a real engagement with it.

Stuart Schmill, Dean of Admissions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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