Cambridge Advanced

Cambridge Advanced

Cambridge students in group work

Cambridge Advanced is typically for learners aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education. It offers learners Cambridge International AS & A Level.

Cambridge Advanced builds on the foundations of Cambridge Upper Secondary, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one.

  1.  Cambridge Advanced - CurriculumCurriculum
    Cambridge International AS & A Level helps learners develop independent study skills which universities value highly.
  2. Cambridge Advanced - Classroom SupportClassroom support
    We provide full support for Cambridge Advanced teachers, including a secure support website, teacher guides, training and resources.
  3. Cambridge advanced - qualificationQualification
    Learners take internationally-recognised Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications at the end of the programme.
  4. CommunityCommunity
    Our education events and training courses bring schools together. Cambridge teachers can also join the discussions on our secure Teacher Support site.

We have found the examinations not only provide students with an excellent foundation for tertiary study, but they also provide an easily understood and transparent pathway into university study.

ACG Strathallan, New Zealand

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